Comforting Peace at Days End.

Comforting Peace at Days End.

-I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety. (Psalms 4:8)

Often the day is stuffed with a lot of activity. Some go to work, others stay at home with children or do the school run. As we go through these moments, our minds can be filled with a myriad of decisions that need to be made. Consequences occur based on either good or bad decisions. Naturally this builds up pressure in the heart and anxiety soon follows.

Add to this the constant conflict with sin and temptation, and the day can easily feel like it gets away from us. A poor decision could threaten to ruin the day. There can also be disagreements with people you work with or children can be challenging to manage. However in spite of the tension, there can still be genuine peace at the close of the day.

David in psalms 8, also has a turbulent kind of day but because of the hope he has in God, he can end this chapter in the embrace of a peaceful sleep.

In verse 2 he describes the problem of those who trouble him. The sons of men disregard his position as king. He is troubled by their slanders and lies possibly hurled at him.

However, what David chooses to focus on leads him to a unique conclusion. He believes that God is still with him.(vs  3) He has the confidence to pray and expect an answer from God. He knows God hears him in the midst of his present perplexing day.He chooses to serve God faithfully and not react in hostility to the antagonizers(vs4-5). He submits the situation into God’s Hand.

When our days are frustrating,  we need spiritual insight to lean on God. To ask him to carry us through the day. To remember his care for us. And we know this care is not based on feelings or empty platitude.

In verse 3 David is referring to  the covenant LORD, the one who made a promise to his ancestor to bless his people.

We too can rest on a promise made by God through the new covenant made in Christ. His death was the price he paid to bring us to himself and bless us.

God has set apart those who have faith in His Son, to himself (vs3).

Because of Christ, he looks upon us with such a bright countenance that this should ignite joy and comfort in the heart.

So when the day is at a close and we see our days being either great or not to our liking, we can have a peace knowing that through Christ, God is near to us.

He guides and leads us through each day until we arrive in heaven to bask in the eternal day of his presence.

-Henry Onwordi

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